Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The lego

The lego used to be one of my favorite toys-
along with rolli polli and ants and rocks and dirt.
I think LEGO is,
the brilliant invention ever.
So meeting LEGO people this summer was extra special for me.
Klaus, a prototype maker, used to fish farming long time ago-
always told me I need to start learn modeling now.
Megan, a concept designer of the LEGO, encouraged me to continue be in the industry as a woman power!
Mark, "the" builder, told me "90% of concept lego don't go through"

All the lego product we see in the marktet is the 10% that made it through.
Through rebuilding, recycling, and reconstructing.

Could you make to 10%?

This is LEGO fan website.
I absolutely think it's brilliant!


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