Monday, May 31, 2010

Being ready

I know that this blog is not ready-
not ready for public eyes to see
not ready for our friends to check out
maybe this isn't really ready for me to spill out what I have to----



but i do recall,
that writing about any simple thing that happened in your day-
and sharing with someone,
is as valuable as
sharing genius ideas or theories or philosophies.

so here we are,
yet so enthusiastic for many events to come,
we dare to share
(or at least I AM)
our figments of days.

-Quiet honestly, I'm not a great writer or public speaker OR great at English general. So there may be many many grammar errors and run on sentences with poor sentence structures. Please bare with me, and I promise I will get better.
Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Oh don't worry so much, sue! Just post whatever you feel like, doesn't necessary have to be about your day. SHARE! Your writing is very unique btw :)probably due to your odd syntax.JK!


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